Thoughts · September 3, 2020 0

Child in me.

The child in me got ruined when one unwelcomed day, they snatched a Barbie doll out of my little lap and handed me kitchen stuff, with a justification that a girl needs to be acquainted with these.
When my mommy, who once wanted me to show my speaking abilities to the people around, wanted me to be taciturn because it was ethically acceptable, innocence in me got ruined.
When the blood flowing out of my body which earlier brought me daddy’s sympathy and hugs, drifted me apart from him and confined me inside a room, happiness in me got ruined.
When grandma coerced me to cover myself up with the shawl and I have to give up wearing clothes that I felt comfortable in just to prove the society that I was graceful, fidelity in me got ruined.

When the teacher took the opportunity from my hands and passed it to the guy student in my class saying I was physically impotent, courage in me got ruined.
When my parents didn’t permit me to go to the night party because it wasn’t supposed to be safe for girls, the happy-soul in me got ruined.
When I saw mommy giving up her all dreams just to look after us and our home, the zeal inside me got ruined.
When my neighbor cursed her wife for all the wrongs and misfortunes in his life and his family endorsed him, the good human inside me got ruined.
When my relatives judged me for hanging out with guy friends while their son was teasing random girls in the streets, morality in me got ruined.
The child in me got ruined, when I thought all human beings have been gifted tantamount rights and abilities by God, while in real human beings have even defined the borders and boundaries to get access to God…